Sunday, November 15, 2009


Dear friends,
I think all of you have a load of questions and as well as problems in smoothly functioning of your 'Arunodoi Kendra's. To discuss these matters it is necessary to organize a meeting gathering all VLE at least every district wise. I would like to request all VLEs of Lakhimpur district to come forward to organize a meeting immediately. All of you can express your opinion through this blog site. Please express your opinions.
I propose 1st December 2009 as the date of our meeting at Lakhimpur. Please express your opinion.

Hemanta Das


  1. Dear HEMANTA DAS very very thanks for orgnised VLE metings. it is only one solution of solving hug problems.

  2. Dear HEMANTA very very thanks for orgnised VLE metings.i thint evry join this meeting.
